Yoni & Nina

Yoni & Nina

I remember the first tour we did in the #magical places around the old city of #Jerusalem, after telling the story of how the #old_city of Jerusalem was under #siege and #captured in the #war of #independence it was so powerful walking in to the old #city #singing about how the #Jewish people have returned to their #homeland

We’ve been making #music and #performing together for 5 years already. It’s been an amazing #journey going from home videos to concerts in #Israel and around the #world. We come from the world of #education and try to convey our #values through our music. For many years @Yoni has been a #tour guide and lately we’ve started bringing our #love to Israel and music together through #musical tours. When playing music on a tour we feel we can reach a deeper #connection to the #content of the tour.”

Yoni: “I remember the first tour we did in the #magical places around the old city of #Jerusalem, after telling the story of how the #old_city of Jerusalem was under #siege and #captured in the #war of #independence it was so powerful walking in to the old #city #singing about how the #Jewish people have returned to their #homeland.

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