Our Team


Founder & CEO

Aryeh has been connecting communities, nonprofits, youth groups, students, and families from around the world with Israel for more than 20 years, instilling in them a passion for the land, its people and their shared heritage. From his first job as a field guide, Aryeh has held almost every position in the tourism industry before deciding to found his own company, the result of his belief that “everybody should be made to feel at home in Israel, because our visitors are our partners in a shared dream for a strong and vibrant Jewish state.” Thousands of satisfied customers—and return visitors—are the living proof of what Aryeh’s emphasis on experience over itinerary, and uncompromising commitment to professionalism, can accomplish. Aryeh lives in Efrat with his wife Osnat and their four children. He extends a personal invitation to each and every one of you: Come to Israel. We’re waiting for you.

Yair Jablinowitz

Sales & Marketing Manager

Yair is an optimistic and enthusiastic sales professional, who has been connecting people around the world to Israel for more than a decade. His passion of creating unforgettable experiences has been practiced in Israel, North America & New Zealand. He is skilled at developing the right action plan for each of his client's unique needs and committed to helping them choose the best products for their traveling experience. He attributes his success to his ability to listen to customers and put their needs first.

He believes that after every encounter with another human being, he or she should feel happier than before. He is married to Shifra, and together they live in Efrat with 3 lovely children.

Tzvi Richter

Head of Educational Department

Tzvi has been involved in Jewish and Israel education for the past 20 years. He has developed, organized, and guided educational travel experiences for thousands of participants from diverse backgrounds. Tzvi came on Aliyah in 2003 from Silver Spring, MD. Originally trained as a lawyer, Tzvi finds that Israel travel ignites his passion for impacting peoples’ lives in a meaningful way. He is also an avid runner, fine woodworker, and student of the Tanakh. Tzvi lives in Jerusalem with his wife and whichever of his four daughters happen to be around.


Project Manager & HR

Since her first experience as a counselor of a trip of 8th-graders to Israel as part of her national service, Sari Rosenbaum hasn’t stopped bringing North American groups to the Jewish state. She has led numerous Birthright and NCSY groups in Israel, and worked in Jewish summer programs for youth in the United States. Sari also holds a degree in dance from the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance, and when she’s not guiding, is probably teaching dance or gymnastics, volunteering or surfing in Tel Aviv where she lives.

Rachel Rabinowitz

Partnership Manager

Rachel's passion is educational tourism, which makes what she does her dream job. Today she lives in Jerusalem but made Aliyah from New York, and since then has been involved in guidance and management of educational programs in general and Anglo-Saxon groups in particular. Whether it was at Gap Year, Summer Camp in the US, Birthright or NCSY, you name because she's done it all. Besides a degree in educational psychology and political science, she has studied nonviolent communication, and her dream is to create harmony between people. When she wants to have fun, she can be found in yoga class, traveling with friends to the desert, or at Machneh Yehudah Market giving culinary tours.

David Bratspis

Project Manager

David Bratspis is a husband, father, educator and tour-guide living in Alon Shvut, Israel. David is originally from Albany, New York. He studied History at Yeshiva University, earned a Bachelors in Education at Michlelet Herzog and completed the Lander Institute tour-guide's course. After making aliya in 2003 and gaining experience in many educational fields, he decided to become a full-time tour educator. David loves guiding and his enthusiasm is contagious. With experience guiding families and teen groups David is able to connect to each person on their level and foster an experience which is enjoyable, edifying and inspirational.

Yael Parnes Karlin

Operations Manager

Yael has more than 10 years of experience in logistics and operations for Israel’s top travel & tourism companies. Before working in Israel Destination, Yael worked as a Tour Operator in several tourism companies. She is an expert at managing large groups with complex itineraries in order to guarantee they have the “time of their life” here in Israel. Yael is respected in the field for her efficient and professional approach to tour management—or, as she puts it, “just getting things done”. Yael Grew up In Efrat and spent a year abroad as part of her “national service” in Chicago, working in a Jewish day school and serving the Jewish Community in various events throughout the year. Yael holds a B.A in International Relations and Political Science from Hebrew University. She currently lives in Kfar Eldad with her husband and two children.

Tovit Lipner

Content Coordinator

Tovit’s passions for Zionism and tourism have been implemented in every step she takes. After completing a year of National Service in the Jewish community in Sydney, Australia, Tovit continued working in Israel with groups from abroad and still maintains relationships with many of the people she met over the years. Tovit has also worked at the Dan Panorama hotel in Jerusalem, where she gained experience in the hospitality industry. Tovit is currently completing her bachelor’s degree in management and tourism.

Tal Midler

Project Coordinator

Born and raised in Tel Aviv and spent a few years in St. Louis. Tal holds a BA in Education, studied 7 years in Yeshivat Eilat and was a professional educator and teacher for the following 10 years. In addition, Tal is a basketball coach and a running coach. He returned to St. Louis with his wife and 4 beautiful children as a teacher and Community Project Manager from the Jewish Agency. He worked together with Bnei Akiva and other Jewish organizations in the region. In his free time, when he’s not in the office, he is either playing basketball or running a marathon. Today Tal lives in Eli with his family.


Project Manager

Eitan has been involved for over 20 years in informal Jewish education throughout the world. His passion to connect the Jewish diaspora with Israel has been practiced in Moscow (Russia), Chicago (US), Wellington (New Zealand) and South Florida (US). His expertise focuses on developing and running informal educational programs, strengthening Jewish identity and Zionism.

Eitan lives in Maale Adumim with his wife and together they raise 5 boys, who are growing-up and leaving the nest one-by-one.


Logistics Coordinator

Yishai has been connected to the Jewish world for the past 20 years, especially working within the Jewish Diaspora. Started off working with youth programs in Israel from the UK, US, South Africa and more. While doing that he experienced and learned all about traveling around israel, and getting to know the history, the people and the culture. Later on he emarked on an adventure as a Shaliach of the Jewish Agency in Montreal Canada and Johannesburg South Africa. There he continued doing what he loves best: Connecting people from youth movements and schools with their Jewish and zionist identity. Returning to Israel, Yishai opened up a successful service and food company which he ran for over a decade. His focus was supplying food to individuals and hosting groups from Israel and abroad. Today Yishai lives in the small town of Leshem in the Shomron with his wife and 5 kids.

Rachel Rosenbluh

Tour Operator

Rachel is passionate about Israel and helping people experience it in the best way possible. She loves providing all her clients with a quality and meaningful trip. Nothing makes her happier than providing people with an unforgettable experience. Rachel started off leading anglo camps here in Israel, and continued running trips in Israel and abroad for her running, photography and Yoga team. She has a Master's degree in business and social work and enjoys running and helping people as a fitness coach. If it was up to her she would run the beautiful streets and nature of Israel all day. Rachel is married plus 3, and resides in the Eastern Gush Etzion town of Tekoa.


Logistics Coordinator

Talia has over 20 years of experience in the CSR and Logistics Coordinator industry. She worked B2C/B2B and E- commerce for Massive National and International Distribution companies. She is passionate about logistics, resolving issues and seeing a smile on her clients’ face. Talia is originally from Paris France, moved on to live in Toronto Canada and later on moved to the states and lived in New Jersey for the majority of her life. Talia’s love for her roots made her come back home and make Aliyah to Israel. Talia is a mother of 4 beautiful girls, 3 step-sons and grandmother of 2 beautiful boys.

Dana Samuel Levy

Project manager

Dana resides in Alon, is happily married with two children, and holds a comprehensive degree in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies. Dana is deeply passionate about working with Jewish diasporas and is dedicated to fostering connections between global Jewish communities and Israel. With substantial experience in education, training, and youth programs, Dana brings a wealth of expertise to the field. Currently, Dana thrives in the role of Project Manager at Yaad Israel, where the focus is on managing and overseeing impactful projects. Through this position, Dana continues to contribute to the growth and development of meaningful initiatives. With a commitment to excellence, Dana is actively involved in making a positive impact on the Jewish and global communities.

Hadar Shai

logistics coordinator

Hadar Shai, Logistic Coordinator, leverages years of tour organizing experience across Israel. From guiding various groups to planning tours as a Tour Operator, her expertise ensures meticulous trip planning. Born in Zur Yigal, with military service in the IDF's Education force, she later guided in a Pennsylvania summer camp and explored South America. Hadar holds a B.A. in Education & Israel Studies and an M.A. in Public Policy. Residing in Teko'a, she is soon to be married, offering a wealth of ideas for a tailored and perfect travel experience.

Sarah Dena

Project Manager

Hailing from a family committed to Jewish education, spent her upbringing in quaint American out-of-town communities. Having raised her family in Israel alongside her husband Aharon, they've called Jerusalem home for over 35 years. With 25 years of teaching at the renowned modern Orthodox seminary MMY, Sarah Dena also dedicated over a decade as its Assistant Director. In her leisure, she busies herself preparing for the numerous guests at her Shabbat table or indulges in her favorite hobby of uniting people and fostering connections. Additionally, Sarah Dena currently excels as a highly motivated project manager, skillfully running and coordinating Israel missions with dedication and precision.

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