Having an amazing experience in TJJ? Are you thinking about how to continue your “Jewish Journey” after finishing high school. On Thursday, July 14, all TJJers will be participating in a Jewish Journey Fair in Jerusalem. This is an incredible opportunity to speak with over 20 representatives of post-high school programs in Israel. There is a wide variety of programs that include NCSY summer programs, as well as full-year study and internship experiences.
TJJ Ambassadors Poland is a five-week program that challenges participants to confront Jewish history and develop leadership skills to impact the Jewish future.
TJJ Ambassadors Poland is a life-changing experience designed for NCSYers with a high level of intellectual and emotional maturity, proven leadership ability and strong involvement in NCSY. While preference will be given to previous TJJ and TJJA participants, TJJ AP is also open to qualified applicants who have not previously attended a summer program
Welcome to Derech, where no two students are alike, and where a young man with limited Jewish background learns with a student who grew up in a yeshivishe family, or with a modern orthodox yeshiva day school graduate. The common denominator is that each individual wants to be a mensch, to grow in his Yiddishkheit, and to become closer to Hashem.
Derech’s approach is based on the verse, “Chanoch lanaar al pi darko” (Mishlei 22:6, “Educate a child according to his unique qualities”). Every student is unique, and no singular educational approach works best with every individual. There are many legitimate ways to serve Hashem.
Some of our graduates continue learning in kollel while others join the Israeli army. Most return to their North America, Europe, or South Africa for university or vocational school. We work with students to help them identify their strengths and talents, nurture these in the course of their studies, and try to give them skills to implement them in the future so that they can become productive members of their Jewish communities.
Ruach HaNegev is a gap-year program located in the Negev that strives to cultivate a new generation of strong and inspired Jewish young adults.
Our integrative program incorporates Beit Midrash learning and volunteering, encouraging students to explore, clarify, and strengthen their spiritual and personal self— regardless of their religious educational background.
Our highly motivated and independent students will immerse themselves in a young and budding Israeli community in the Negev, and participate in a variety of intentional and authentic experiences to help them build a strong foundation as they prepare for the next steps in their lives.
Eitan Zivan
The Israel Experience at Bar Ilan University is a unique gap year program. Spend the year after high school in Israel strengthening your Jewish identity. At Israel XP, you will experience:
Are you looking for a multi-faceted experience that combines university learning with Jewish growth, seeing the land of Israel, and connecting with amazing role models? Then The Israel Experience at Bar Ilan University is the perfect program for you!
For more information see: http://israelxp.com
Experience a unique opportunity to live and learn in a Jewish community setting, while attending a top-rated school – Yeshiva University – one of the world’s leading research universities. It’s the best of both worlds. YU offers courses in the liberal arts, sciences, and business, together with comprehensive Jewish studies. Over 150 student – run organizations include student government; newspapers, literary journals, music, dance, and drama; and clubs stressing Israel advocacy, political activism, cultural awareness, and community service at the local, national, and international level. An extensive athletic program features 15 NCAA sport teams, intramural, fitness, and recreational activities. YU undergraduates enjoy extraordinary success in finding employment and gaining admission to graduate and professional schools at a rate that is twice the national average.
Our Jewish Studies Program for men and for women offers a convenient route to a fully integrated Jewish life. Acquire a deeper knowledge of Judaism and experience the joy of living and growing in a nurturing Jewish environment. So, if you’re a bright and ambitious student, regardless of your level of Jewish education, come experience an engaging, practical, and inspiring learning experience at Yeshiva University. Yeshiva University is your next step after your Best.Summer.Ever
For more information see: https://www.yu.edu
Immerse yourself in everything Israel has to offer!
Have fun, experience Israel and enhance your own personal growth!
CompassIsrael is a Jewish identity-Gap Year immersion experience in Israel for public high school boy graduates. We aim to encourage our participants to view themselves as an essential part of the Jewish people, not just in the future, but now, in the present. CompassIsrael seeks to produce young men prepared to lead an independent life of purpose and mission, informed by Jewish knowledge, experience, and connection to Israel.
Ariel Wilchfort
The Tikvah Fund is a philanthropic foundation and ideas institution committed to supporting the intellectual, religious, and political leaders of the Jewish people and the Jewish State. Tikvah runs and invests in a wide range of initiatives in Israel, the United States, and around the world, including educational programs, publications, and fellowships.
For the first time ever, this year we are offering a joint TJJ-Tikvah year-long fellowship, with zoom sessions once a month on topics of significance for Jewish life, culture, and politics with noted speakers and leaders with noted speakers such as Bari Weiss, Ambassador David Friendman, Dara Horn, Malcolm Hoenlin, and more.
If these topics and speakers interest you, we encourage you to come join our fellowship and reach out to us at:
Machon Maayan is a life-changing year-in-Israel program for young women from a wide range of backgrounds. At Machon Maayan each student is valued as an individual and is encouraged to grow at her own pace, exploring the texts, people, and practices that she finds personally meaningful. With a program that inspires sincere dedication to halachic Judaism, Machon Maayan students learn to embrace an Orthodox Jewish lifestyle.
Just as the world rests on three pillars, so is our educational program built on formal classroom learning, community internships, and weekly Israel seminars. Through this combination of Judaic Studies classes, Chessed, and exposure to the people and the Land of Israel, Machon Maayan creates a supportive, nurturing environment in which each student can explore her Jewish heritage. With our feet and our hearts, we take to the trails, the cities, and the sites, to see and understand everything Israel has to offer. Our greatest pride is when at the year’s end student after student, spontaneously, but not unexpectedly, takes center stage to reflect on her personal journey – a journey from far away back to the heritage of the Jewish people.
For more information see: http://www.machonmaayan.org/
Olami JBiz is a campus career accelerator for Jewish students designed to bring collaboration, fun and purpose into your career path. You’ll also get the chance to meet leaders and mentors who value your ideas and share your values.
Olami JHealth is a campus community where you’ll connect with like-minded students, develop your leadership abilities and meet with mentors and stand-out personalities from the Health field from across the country.
One-on-one and group mentoring, internship opportunities and professional career development and guidance, rooted in Jewish values will give you the head start you need, not only in your Tech career, but in your life, and your experience on campus as well.
You’re at the Jewish Journey Fair, so clearly you’re connected to NCSY/JSU in high school. What happens when you get to university?
The Judah Fellowship is NCSY and JSU’s college campus initiative for public school alumni. This cohort of passionate and driven NCSY and JSU alumni connect to their fellow alumni in order to ensure their smooth transition to engaging Jewish opportunities on campus. Judah Fellows are growth-oriented leaders who prioritize the Jewish journeys of others as if they were their own.
For more information, email judahfellowship@ncsy.org
Lander College for Women-The Anna Ruth and Mark Hasten School students have interned at Google, JP Morgan Chase, PWC, Eisner Ampner, The Blackstone Group to name just a few and these internships have led to job offers after graduation at these outstanding firms.
They have pursued graduate study at renowned graduate and professional schools, including, UCLA Medical School, Harvard Law School, Columbia Law School, Rutgers Clinical Psychology program and graduate studies in Touro’s well-respected graduate and professional schools in Medicine, Law, Education, Psychology, Social Work and Judaic Studies.
Our students, who come from across the US, Israel, Europe, Central and South America, and South Africa, have a broad range of interests. They focus on history and literature, biology, art, psychology, business, and many other academic disciplines. They thrive in our student-focused academic environment and enjoy our rich extracurricular activities.
The College offers challenging Honors Programs and Integrated Honors Tracks for qualified students who show superior academic and leadership potential. The synergy between students and faculty encourages our students to be creative, strive for distinction and achieve excellence. Our faculty members are scholars and dedicated teachers who bring practical knowledge to the classroom. They enable students to excel at critical thinking, problem solving and oral and written communication. Lander College for Women integrates the intellectual pursuit of traditional liberal arts majors with internships and mentorships that form the foundation for practical preparation for professional careers in business, education and the sciences.
The achievements of our alumnae who successfully balance their religious commitments with careers in diverse professional fields reflect the excellence of their Jewish and secular education. Graduates of the Lander College for Women can be increasingly found in leadership positions in professional and Jewish communal life in the US, Israel and around the world.
Lander College for Men integrates a strong Jewish environment with a college experience in a warm, supportive, intellectually challenging community of learners. Small classes provide warmth, personal attention, intellectual engagement, and stimulating discussion.
All college and Torah classes and student service resources are integrated and located on one campus. Faculty are student-centered, and many have won awards for distinguished teaching or research and are widely known in their field.
From 2010 to 2017, 100% of our graduates who applied to dental schools and law schools and 93% who applied to medical schools were accepted, at schools including Harvard, New York University, Columbia University, University of Pennsylvania, and University of Chicago.
Business graduates have accepted positions at some of New York’s most prestigious financial institutions. Also, over the same seven-year period, Psychology students secured 95% acceptance to doctoral programs in Psychology. Students who graduate from the Lander College for Men are well prepared to succeed as leaders of the Jewish community.
For more information see: lcm.touro.edu
The Orthodox Union’s Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus (OU-JLIC) was formed over twenty years ago to help Modern Orthodox students navigate the secular college environment and maintain Jewish observance. Five years ago OU-JLIC created Yavneh to foster dynamic leadership development and answer the growing need to develop this cohort of all-star students into the future leaders of American Jewry. JLIC also runs summer programs for hundreds of college students, offering an opportunity to live, learn, work and travel in Israel.
StandWithUs is an international and non-partisan Israel education organization that inspires and educates people of all ages and backgrounds, challenges misinformation and fights antisemitism.
StandWithUs empowers and energizes students and communities with leadership training and educational programs on hundreds of college campuses, high schools, and middle schools. StandWithUs informs through social media, print and digital materials, films, weekly newsletters and missions to Israel.
StandWithUs is not politically aligned in any country. It does not and has never advocated specific policies for Israel. Our work and our respect for Israel’s democratically elected government are not contingent on which parties are in power. Our goal is to counter antisemitism and to educate the public about Israel and empower others to educate their communities, and to make it possible to have reasonable, informed conversations about Israel’s policies on campuses and in communities.
Did you know you can still go on Birthright Israel through Israel Free Spirit, even if you went on TJJ?! This means that anyone between the ages of 18-26 who went to Israel through NCSY Summer Programs, their high school, camp, or any other organized trip, is still eligible through OU Israel Free Spirit, an official Birthright Israel trip organizer. Explore Tel Aviv, Eat in the Shuk, Float in the DeadSea, Shabbat in Jerusalem and take hiking or ATVing to a new level while joining one of the most recommended Birthright Trips to Israel. Trips run weekly in December, January, May, June, July, and August. Indulge yourself – This is Israel Free Spirit.
or email: Info@Ouisrael.org
World Bnei Akiva is one of the largest and most popular providers of Gap Year programs in Israel. For more than 80 years our programs known as Hachshara – meaning “preparation” – have inspired and empowered thousands of young Jews from around the world with a sense of commitment to the Jewish people, the Land of Israel and the Torah.
A year with Hachshara is an opportunity to infuse the values of Torah and Avodah into your life as you begin to shape your future. It’s your time to flourish as you discover new experiences, learn life skills, gain independence and build lasting friendships while having the time of your life in Israel!
We offer you a choice of exciting and transformative programs within a Religious Zionist atmosphere, where you can devote time to your own personal and Jewish development, as you forge your own path.
World Bnei Akiva – Hachshara:
Kivun – Mechina – Shalem
Go to: www.worldbneiakiva.org/gapyear to learn more!
Aish Gesher for Women is a brand-new Jerusalem based post high school seminary program. We are answering the call for an authentic and inspiring seminary experience.
Powered by Aish and modeled after the philosophy of our brother school, Gesher for Men, we offer every benefit of a typical seminary and more.
Guided by world-class educators, our students are encouraged to deepen their knowledge and appreciation for Judaism through high-level foundational classes and an emphasis on authentic personal and spiritual growth. Our unique curriculum is designed to help students develop their own leadership potential and understand their distinct role within the Jewish future.
Get Ready to Own. Your. Judaism.
Imagine understanding the depth and beauty of Judaism. Imagine learning Torah and feeling like G-d is talking to you. Imagine praying, and feeling like you’re really talking to G-d. At Aish Gesher, these are our goals.
Situated in the beautiful Aish HaTorah World Center Campus across from the Kotel, Gesher is Aish HaTorah’s gap year in Israel program. Geared toward serious learning goals together with inspiring philosophy and incredible Israel experiences,
Aish Gesher will launch the motivated student to a profound level of understanding of Judaism and the ability to share that inspiration with others.
Aish Gesher aims to build its student’s learning skills, helping them become proficient in studying Torah texts. Aish Gesher looks to inspire leaders for the Jewish people who have clarity in understanding Jewish fundamentals and who have a passion for sharing the beauty of Judaism with other Jews.
Aish Gesher aspires to instill within its students a deep love and passion for Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael. Aish Gesher knows how to have a lot of fun with regular trips around the country, volunteering, guest speakers, and projects that are deeply fulfilling and inspiring.
Aish Gesher rebbeim become deeply connected to their students, sharing their homes and energy with their students. Aish Gesher is a family of growing Jews.
If you’re looking to grow….please join us!
Do you want to grow spiritually and spend a year in seminary, but didn’t grow up with a strong Jewish background?
Do you want to spend a whole year living in Israel, touring the land, getting to know yourself and learning all about Judaism?
At Meorot Yerushalayim, you’ll reach spiritual heights you never imagined, regardless of your Jewish background! Meorot is the ONLY Gap-Year Seminary exclusively geared toward public school students which focuses on providing the foundation you need to become your Best Jewish You, even if you didn’t grow up religious. Whether you went to public school, community day school, or just feel you’ve missed the basics, the motivated, growth-oriented students at Meorot learn step-by-step, becoming knowledgeable Jews who know how to live daily life as a Jewish woman. Because Meorot students are so driven, they accomplish an epic amount in just one year!
Nestled in the beautiful, Anglo-friendly Ramat Eshkol neighborhood of Jerusalem, Meorot has state-of-the-art dorms, gourmet food, and an all-star cast of teachers and mentors just waiting to help you reach your maximum potential.
NCSYers are eligible for a special scholarship which makes Meorot very affordable and you have the possibility of earning up to a year of college credits for your time at Meorot.
Before college … you need college for your soul! See you at Meorot.
United Hatzalah is the only fully volunteer national emergency medical service (EMS) in Israel and integral member of Israel’s national EMS network recognized by the Ministry of Health, IDF and Homeland Security. Our 6,000 trained volunteers respond to more than 1,800 emergency calls daily. Our mission is to provide immediate lifesaving medical intervention, free of charge, during the critical window between the onset of an emergency and the arrival of traditional ambulance assistance. Ambulances are often held up in traffic jams, arriving too late to save a life. By training ordinary people to save the lives of their neighbors, colleagues or family members in the critical minutes between the onset of emergency and arrival of ambulance, we save thousands of lives annually. Our volunteer first-responders hail from every sector of Israeli society and serve all citizens of Israel regardless of religion, nationality or race. They are always ready to drop whatever they are doing and race to a nearby medical emergency to provide immediate on-scene medical care, anywhere and anytime.
Step outside your comfort zone and join United Hatzalah and NCSY’s summer program! Challenge yourself by learning new skills on how to become a First Responder. Take these skills back home after the summer and continue to build your resume.
Hatzalah Rescue is a co-ed travel program for teens looking to learn CPR, hemorrhage control, and how to be a first responder. On Hatzalah Rescue teens will be certified as EMR’s, volunteer on an ambulance, assist in the Hatzalah logistics center, all while learning the intricacies of Hatzalah and their daily operations. You will swim in the Kineret with Hatzalah’s state-of-the-art rescue vehicles, jeep in the desert with Hatzalah’s sand vehicles, and rappel off cliffs with Hatzalah’s Search and Rescue Unit. Every day is filled with a new experience that is both fun and informative!
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