Eliana Passentin

Eliana Passentin

Pottery, according to Jewish law is and absorbs the holiness of the sacrifice, therefore the dishes must be broken after the meal. We have found broken dishes from Jewish families from 3500 years ago all over our backyard!

I’m originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, and Herzliya. I have been living in Eli with my husband David and our children for the last 25 years. From our back yard I can see 3 of Israel’s borders, but most importantly, we have a beautiful view of Ancient Shiloh.
Israel’s first capital for 369 years before Jerusalem!
The place of Hannah’s prayer When digging the infrastructure for our home, we found hundreds of Ancient pottery shards. I took them to be dated and discovered that they are from the time of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) in Shiloh. In Ancient times Jewish families would eat their sacrifice from the mountain tops overlooking the place of the Mishkan, after eating they would break the dishes. Pottery, according to Jewish law is and absorbs the holiness of the sacrifice, therefore the dishes must be broken after the meal. We have found broken dishes from Jewish families from 3500 years ago all over our backyard!

We built our home using the “blueprint” of a home built during the time of Joshua uncovered in the excavations of Ancient Shiloh. Our dining room window faces Shiloh. We kindly ask our guests not to break the dishes after the meal but to clear them.
We host groups from all over the world in our home.

I work as a tour guide, now mostly virtual tours on Zoom, but my family and I are looking forward to hosting groups and leading “real” tours again as soon as possible!

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