Tami Halbrecht

Tami Halbrecht

to expose and educate children and adults about the food we eat, about healthy and fresh nutrition, energy saving and environmental protection. We want to encourage the community to grow vegetables using natural methods in their home garden or balcony

I’ve been running our farm ever since it was established in 2014 on a 25 year old family-owned clementine orchard.

OUR INITIATIVE to found the farm was born out of a desire to utilize the family resources and to make the land viable in accordance to it’s agricultural purpose.

OUR VISION is to expose and educate children and adults about the food we eat, about healthy and fresh nutrition, energy saving and environmental protection. We want to encourage the community to grow vegetables using natural methods in their home garden or balcony.

In the Halbrecht farm we have a vegetable garden and fruit orchard grown by natural methods without spraying, a greenhouse that demonstrates hydroponic agriculture and a biogas recycling facility. Also, a free-range chicken coop, a petting zoo, bee hives, a nursery for vegetable plants spices and succulents and a lovely zone for picnics, workshops and relaxation in nature.

 ‎משק הלברכט גינת האוכל

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