Uri Alon

Uri Alon

When you come here, you can observe the most up to date agricultural technologies- the “high tech” of agriculture. At every stop of the tour you will receive an explanation followed by you actually picking and eating your fruit right away

We took an empty piece of land and turned it into an oasis.

This place is called the Salad Trail.
We create unforgettable experiences in the greenhouses of the Habsor region in the northern Negev.

As a specialist in international agriculture, I provide interesting and unique insight, to all our visitors, of how we grow the best produce in the country.

When you come here, you can observe the most up to date agricultural technologies- the “high tech” of agriculture. At every stop of the tour you will receive an explanation followed by you actually picking and eating your fruit right away!

You will pick and eat colorful tomatoes, small peppers and tasty cucumbers.
You will learn about the water, the special soil used and, of course, taste the fruit.
you will touch and smell our fresh medical herbs and learn about their essential oils.

Some of the question we will answer when you come visit are:

How come the tomatoes grow upwards?
Why are there enormous bees here?
Why do our flying strawberries grow in the air?

As a bonus:

Did you know that all of the orchards from the Sharon area were moved to the Negev?”


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