Neil Lazarus

Neil Lazarus

"Jews are a people of the book, we can either read the book or write it. Our choice is simple: To be bystanders or history makers,"

If you have ever traveled to Israel on an organized tour or attended a community event about Israel in your Federation, community, or campus, the likelihood is Neil Lazarus is a familiar name.

Born and educated in London, Neil emigrated to Israel in 1988. Three decades later he has emerged as one of Israel’s most popular informal educators.

Speaking to 30,000 people a year internationally, his style of speaking, which combines a cutting political analysis and a sharp sense of humor, leaves his audiences not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

“I want to make Israel and Judaism relevant to every generation,” he says, ” I am looking for people to have a true personal relationship with Israel. A relationship that develops and is nuanced.”

“You don’t have to agree with Israel’s policies to be involved with Israel,” he continued, ” we are all family and sometimes family can be the most annoying.”

If you listen to Neil speak or attend a Zoom presentation, you leave with a sense of Neil’s passion for Israel.

“Jews are a people of the book, we can either read the book or write it. Our choice is simple: To be bystanders or history makers,” he continued.

Neil’s company is aptly named Awesome seminars. His seminars are educating and challenging and, perhaps most important in the age of a pandemic, motivating.

Neil is the father of twins, “It’s why I drink so much coffee!” he joked as he rushed to give another presentation.

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